Meba Wo Abrokyere / Meba Wo Abrokyere African Ankara Wax Print
It is well known as Meba-Wo in Ghanaian community. Meba-wo abrokyere comes in different category and style such as Meba-wo president, meba-wo towel and ribbon. These product widely use in African Festival season, Christmas, church visit and funeral. Colors on black and red are widely usages in African Funeral. Meba-wo sells in 12 yards piece and a width of 52".Meba Wo Abrokyere African Ankara Wax Print sell by 6 yards and a width 45".
- African Print Meba Wo Abrokyere - Gye Nyame - Mint-Green, Gray, Royal-Blue, Red, Ivory-Cream, BlackProduct IDMBAP022In Stock 40 pcs31% off Special Price $45.00 Regular Price $65.00for 6 Yards
- African Print Meba Wo Abrokyere - Gye Nyame - Royal-Blue, Yellow, Orange, Green, Black, CreamProduct IDMBAP021In Stock 1 pcs13% off Special Price $65.00 Regular Price $75.00for 6 Yards
- African Print Meba Wo Abrokyere Metallic Gold - Gye Nyame -Red, Metallic-Gold, Royal-Blue, White, OrangeProduct IDMBAP014In Stock 4 pcs13% off Special Price $65.00 Regular Price $75.00for 6 Yards
- African Print Meba Wo Abrokyere Metallic Gold- Gold, Purple-Blue, Plum, Green, Cream, Light-GoldProduct IDMBAP010In Stock 11 pcs40% off Special Price $45.00 Regular Price $75.00for 6 Yards
- African Print Meba Wo Abrokyere Metallic Gold - Gye Nyame -Red, Metallic-Gold, Royal-Blue, Yellow-Gold , PurpleProduct IDMBAP007In Stock 19 pcs13% off Special Price $65.00 Regular Price $75.00for 6 Yards
- African Print Meba Wo Abrokyere Metallic Gold - Gye Nyame -Red, Metallic-Gold, Royal-Blue, Green, Purple , BlackProduct IDMBAP006In Stock 1 pcs13% off Special Price $65.00 Regular Price $75.00for 6 Yards
- African Print Meba Wo Abrokyere Metallic Gold - Gye Nyame -Red, Metallic-Gold, Royal-Blue, White,Product IDMBAP003In Stock 5 pcs13% off Special Price $65.00 Regular Price $75.00for 6 Yards